At a Special Town Meeting on Friday, April 26, 2024, Kent electors approved a resolution to allow KAH to eventually acquire 1.159 acres of town land to develop at least 10 units of dedicated affordable housing. The acquisition by KAH will not occur until after all necessary approvals for construction are received.
KAH will be seeking approvals from Inland Wetlands and Planning and Zoning soon.
Data released in September 2023 shows that 39% of households (495) in the Town of Kent would qualify for affordable housing, and 128 households are severely cost burdened, paying more than 50% of their income on housing. This includes 78 owner households.
“I just moved … in December and I am eternally grateful to have finally gotten in. For the first time in my entire life, I have a secure living situation and get to stay in the beautiful town that I love so much. Thank you to all who have had a hand in making this resource available to people in need!”
— A new resident of a KAH property
The Town of Kent Housing Plan for 2022-2027 was created in accordance with a new law, 8-30j, which requires all towns in Connecticut to create a housing plan every five years. Kent’s plan calls for at least 20 dedicated affordable housing units to be created in the next five years. Click on the image to the right to read the plan.
South Common is a 24 unit rental facility just south of the town center, developed and owned by Kent Affordable Housing, which was completed in 2003. The units are affordable to households making 25-60% of the area median income.
Stuart Farm has 13 rental units developed and owned by Kent Affordable Housing near the town center. It was built in three phases between 2010 and 2020. The apartments are affordable to households making 25-80% of the area median income.
Affordable Housing in Northwest Connecticut’s Small Towns: An Investment in the Community
This short film provides an overview of affordable housing in Northwest Connecticut.